Enjoy the summer

How to enjoy this summer holiday and stay healthy...

Summer is the holiday season and also the season of boredom, as there is head burning heat outside the house we feel comfortable under the AC and inside the house but is it correct!!! I mean we just waste out whole holiday in afraid of skin burning, heat and blah blah!!! We need conserve our holiday, we should not waste our holiday by sitting like nothing. But the question is so how we enjoy the holiday, here you go I have some cool and interesting ideas fun summer. From now you gonna change the defination of summer after reading this when someone ask you what is summer you answer will summer is the month of fun, enjoyment, happiness, food, friends, family and pampering yourself

Here you go with awesome ideas:-

1. Morning Exercise

Give your day a power pack start so that you feel energetic whole day. exercise helps you a lot, when we do exercise in the morning it's benefits our body in many ways. As in summers days starts earlier than other seasons so we sleep for longer hour but even after taking sleep for many hours we feel sleepy whole day, behaves like nothing and just sit in one place and use Mobile and laptops for whole day which harms our body in many ways or if not this then our most favourite work for holidays is watching television or Netflix, and in this way we waste our holiday. So it's better that we start our day in healthy way and enjoy our summer .

2. Meditation

Meditation is the best way to start the day.if you are very lazy and don't wanna do exercise okay do meditation daily.meditation makes us positive and enthusiastic whole day or we can meditate twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. It also helps you to focus on your work and remove toxic elements from body. It helps body, mind , heart and soul. Meditation connects us with positive energy.this is not only limited to summer make this your habit so it will help you life long.

3. Hydrate yourself

In summers our body requires more water, water makes our body hydrated. As many of us get sick during the summers and wastes our holiday so drink water as much as you can. In the summer when we go out outside the house due to the presence of sun our body lacks water so whenever and wherever you travel have your water bottle with yourself. Drink 3-4 litres of water daily it will also help skin, it cures pimples, acnes and makes the skin glowing.water treats many of diseases so why to spend money on costly medicines and treatment.

4. Healthy Food

This holiday stop eating junk and start a healthy routine of eating healthy food. According to institute of medicine 20% of  your water intake comes from food sources.many fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, broccoli and tomato contains 90 percent or higher water content by weight. Virtually all food has some water in it. Natural, whole food have the highest water content. Fruits and vegetables contain 80 to 85 percent of water. Eating dense vegetables like cucumber, tomatoes, jicamas, beet, carrot or celery with meal or snack is one of the easiest way to improve your hydration. Drink Eight to ten glasses of  clear fluid and  eat one to two juicy fruit and veggie per meal to stay hydrated .

5. Outing

There is not an investment wiser than spending quality time with family and friends. One of the benefit of spending time with family and friends and indulging in leisure activities together, is that it strengthens your bonds. They don't need always to be fancy activities that require big amount of money but it can be a simple picnic sorrounded by nature or it can be at beach.a quality time spent together with family and friends is capable of reliving the feeling of anxiety, depression and amger.it creates happy and sweet memories which makes us happy lifelong. It reconnects us with our all relations.it is better to spend time with family and friends at outing than to waste time by sitting like nothing.

6. Self-Care

The concept of Self Care is something people seem to talk about but rarely practice. There are many benefits to self care that you may not realise. Time to yourself promotes mental health increased relaxation and prevents chronic stress . By setting some time aside for ourselves we give our minds and bodies valuable time to recoup, relax and prepare for the rest of the week. This helps you set up long-term feelings of self worth. If your hair, skin, and body looks great you're going to feel great. Being healthy means that you'll have more self esteem and confidence. Taking a quick break to have a nice bubble bath or a soothing massage can make you feel like a brand new person. Even a half hour curled up with a book can help your body relax and your mind refresh itself for the rest of your day.set aside some time for yourself every day and give your mind a little mini-vacation.

7. Practice your Hobby

Your hobby should be a completely pleasurable activity that allows you to take your mind off of the demands of your daily life, or negative emotions. It's a healthy and productive distracted from work or personal troubles during holidays. Hobbies offer you an opportunity to take a break, while also giving you a sense of purpose.you probably like to feel productive during holidays,if you are engaged in an activity, you don't want to feel like you are spinning your wheels. A hobby gives a sense of purpose, you are able to do something while still having fun.also, the more you do a hobby, the more you are likely to learn about the subject, which will provide you with an increased sense of life satisfaction. Maybe you want to take up a new language or learn to write Chinese character. The more you engage in your hobby, the more you will learn. You never really know what you're capable of unless you try something. This summer you may surprise yourself.

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